The guide is your free giveaway from your landing page. GUIDE PURPOSE – to get that call >> strategy session or to take next action. The guide will educate and enlighten them on the pain they are having that you can solve and then invite them to their next step – which for you should be the fastest way to the cash.
Purpose of the Guide
The guide is your free giveaway from your landing page.
The primary purpose is to get them to take the next action with you – which is either:
> automated – via a sales page or link from the thank you page
> invitation to a discovery call (fast path to the cash)
GUIDE PURPOSE – to get that call >> strategy session or to take next action.
The second reason for the gift is to educate and enlighten them on the pain they are having that you can solve.
The goal if your gift then is to get them to take the next step as fast as possible, and spend the most money as fast as possible by connecting more deeply with you.
Now gifts can be a number of things – the key here is to you want to think about the fastest way to get them on the phone, to a live event, on to a webinar, some action that brings them more connected with you so that you can solve their pain now.
We start with the guide – because it also lets us break it down easily into autoresponder messages – something you will need at the same time – messages to go to them on an ongoing basis for the next 10 days every day.
I am often asked can I do a video series – here is my answer – only if after about 15 minutes of the first video they are invited to take action, and do a discovery call – then yes.
The key here is fast consumption, a video series can delay them getting involved with you. This practice is being used to launch a product – not as the master opt-in.
Guide Title
This is something I would have come up with on the Online Clarity Cleanse call – because we need the Guide Title – Your Landing Page Domain – and Your Talk Title – to align.
These 3 things to help create a cohesive brand that is strategically simple so that no matter where a person finds you – the message is the same – so that repetition makes it easy for your prospect to understand what you do. It’s like the perfect storm in branding and marketing.
So the title of your guide is also the title of your signature talk.
For example;
My free guide is:
 – Instant Online Impact – How Your
Websites, Brand and Social Media Work Together
My signature talk is:
Instant Online Impact – How Your Brand, Websites and Social Media Work Together
Now sometimes I change the title to match audiences, or focus on different aspects depending on their pain point, but the presentation behind that remains the same.
Signature talk means you do it over and over, until you can do it in your sleep, and you can improve your close by tweaking small changes as you see what works and what doesn’t over time.
You have one talk that you become known for.
So if you already have a signature talk – the 5 steps you cover in that – should be your 5 steps here. (other options are 3 steps or 7 steps – however 7 steps is very hard to cover in a 60 minute presentation and can overwhelm an audience).
If you don’t have your talk yet, good news again, this is serving to help you with this and that framework as well.
Once the title is confirmed, I create your graphics that will go on your website and in your guide, and for use anywhere else you want.
Cover Page and Page 1 of Guide
For your guide cover – you need to create a flat version and a 3 D version.
Once you have the title – you want to get someone from a resource such as to complete this task for you
Look for ‘ebook graphics’ in search and choose the one you like.
Layout of the Guide
Your guide has a specific layout – formula you might call – that will make it easy to write the guide, but even better, help you to also frame, and match your signature talk.
Guidelines: This guide is about 12-15 pages long, bring print, pretty pictures, VERY easy to read – it isn’t about the consumption of information or doing a brain dump on them, it’s about baby steps to what you do – in laymen’s terms, enlightening and educating on why you, then enticing them to take ACTION Now and do the next step with you
(some clients have done more – I am fine with that if it does not delay your delivery to me because you are trying to put your entire mind dump into these steps – leave that for the course. Give them your very very very best stuff right here.)
So the structure is big easy to read print, a picture on every page, your best stuff presented in such a way that they can easily see what you do, and why pick you.
So like with your signature talk when you are creating your guide you start with the end in mind – what is the call to action – what is the next step you want them to make and then you work your way backwards to the steps that make it logical for them to take that step.
For example – if you want them to do a discovery call with you – so that you can quickly connect by phone and present them with your ultimate high level offer – coaching or service or product that will resolve their pain – this is the FASTEST WAY TO THE CASH – what steps naturally lead to that.
It will be a brief guide of the steps – and the upsell is your product or service.
Once it’s completed – you have the structure for your presentations, webinars, and systems process.
GUIDE PowerPoint Templates for Guide Creation
Our normal way of creating the guide has been a word processor and then printing that to PDF. This took knowledge of graphic placement and some found it difficult.
So I created these templates where you can simply place your cover page, data, text, images in the specified locations, copy, paste, or create a blank page and do your own thing.
The only issue here is page numbering and headers/footers per page – but it makes exact placement of graphic and text very easy.
Also, because presentation software was something you may need to know if you are going to be a speaker or do webinars, it seemed if a new tool was going to be learned, it was best to spend time here.
Simply load this template into your powerpoint or keynote presentation software, and then you can take the content you have created for each step and use this template to plug and play.
Creating the Guide Video Tutorial
Password: YMDD
Free Picture Resource for All Uses
For your guide, your posts, your marketing materials, where ever you need pictures, this is a great free resource. Took me ages to find – so enjoy.
Free stock photo resources
Call to Action Video Tutorial - Last Page
Password: YMDD
Sample 1 CTA: Free Discovery Call
Many people don’t want to offer this because they think they will be overwhelmed with too many calls. The answer to this problem is GREAT. That is EXACTLY what you want. This is like shooting fish in a barrel. People are coming to you directly, telling you they have this problem, and wanting you to give them the solution. It’s a dream situation.
If you get too many calls – that is a fantastic problem to have – and there are a few ways to deal with preventing overwhelm on this cycle.
A free strategy/discover call should be ONLY 20 minutes – you are NOT solving a problem – you are finding out what their problem is – you are listening – and then telling them what you HAVE that will solve it – Discover – listen – (you will know what’s going on – plus if you are using a survey form to gather information for the call you have everything you need to assist in the close)
– Then you propose a solution (selling of the service)
– Don’t overcomplicate, don’t let them ramble, don’t let the call go long, don’t solve their stuff on a call, you are there to listen and present the best solution you have for them. This isn’t free consulting – it’s you discovering more about them and what their problem is.
– When you get too many – start to charge a nominal fee for the call ie. $47 or hire someone else to do the free calls and you move to the paid ones where you do solve something.
(ie. like my calls)
If you have a business – Get a:
So I’d like to offer a free strategy session to help move you forward.
Phone #
Schedule Link –
Survey Link – (as a qualifier) –
Strategy Call – get on phone
Tell them what they will discover or how they will feel after having the call. Make it enticing
See this sample:
Sample 2 CTA: Small Purchase Promotion
This is done if you have no landing page, and aren’t willing to do a Discovery Call. The next best thing is to see if from reading your chapter they are motivated enough to make a small investment in you.
(Sample #3)
Special Offer from Tracy Repchuk
My book 31 Days to Millionaire Marketing Miracles is so amazing that if you can do 2 things – I have a special offer for you:
- Buy it
- Post a testimonial after you have read itÂ
I will give you $1500 worth of goodies when you send in your receipt.
It has already become a #1 International bestseller – and I can guarantee you’ll love it (over 140 reviews.)
Your gifts will be a combination of ebooks, videos, and resources that value $1500 and if I have an event coming up, I’ll make sure you get a free ticket to that too just for supporting my book and message.
Here’s how to claim this:
- Go here and buy your copy:
Email the receipt to:
Using Jotform to Create a Survey
How to do a Strategy/Discovery Call
Sample jotforms for orders and appt. bookings:
Now that you have seen the process, I’d like to make sure there is nothing standing in your way by unblocking any issues or answering any questions you may have.
So I’d like to offer a free strategy call to help cleanse and move you forward.
Phone #
Schedule Link –Â
Survey Link – (as a qualifier) –Â
Strategy Call – get on phone
They should be ONLY 20 minutes – you are NOT solving a problem – you are finding out what their problem is – and telling them what you HAVE that will solve it – discovery – listening – listen you will know what’s going on
– then you propose a solution (selling of the service)
This is the fastest way to the cash.
Many people don’t want to offer this because they think they will be overwhelmed with too many calls. The answer to this problem is GREAT. That is EXACTLY what you want. This is like shooting fish in a barrel. People are coming to you directly, telling you they have this problem, and wanting you to give them the solution. It’s a dream situation.
If you get too many calls – that is a fantastic problem to have – and there are a few ways to deal with preventing overwhelm on this cycle.
A free strategy/discover call should be ONLY 20 minutes – you are NOT solving a problem – you are finding out what their problem is – you are listening – and then telling them what you HAVE that will solve it – Discover – listen – (you will know what’s going on – plus if you are using a survey form to gather information for the call you have everything you need to assist in the close)
– Then you propose a solution (selling of the service)
– Don’t overcomplicate, don’t let them ramble, don’t let the call go long, don’t solve their stuff on a call, you are there to listen and present the best solution you have for them. This isn’t free consulting – it’s you discovering more about them and what their problem is.
– Track your results and work on improving your script – ie. converting 1/9 – then 1/7 – then 1/4
– Always sell your highest program first – and work your way down – this is a reverse funnel. That way if you start at the top – and they end up somewhere in the middle – great – it was worth it. If you start at the top and they stay there – even better.
– This is a statistics game and the more calls you make the more money you will make – it’s simple.
– When you get too many – start to charge a nominal fee for the call ie. $47 or hire someone else to do the free calls and you move to the paid ones where you do solve something and then sell to upper level program and give a credit if you want for what they invested on this call.
(ie. like my calls)
Your Signature Program Offer
When you are doing strategy/discovery sessions the purpose is to get them on the phone so you can sell your upper level program. And if they don’t buy that, ultimately have a structure in place on how to move them through what you have that will work for them.
The key though is we want 1 program fully built in concept – this does not mean you have to have done it – it means you can do it – and here is what is in the program and here is the price.
A concept of a signature program is what I sell – Instant Online Impact.
When on the phone I start with Instant Online Impact Platinum. My upper level program.
So we need to craft the offer so you know what to tell them it includes and what the benefits are – because here you sell on emotion and benefits – NOT features. Once they have bought or if they are very close to buying they will want to know HOW IT WORKS – but they don’t care how it works until they are in – so that is your first job.
So you have 20 minutes to listen, assess, and offer your program. That’s a Discovery Call.
LISTEN – they tell the problem
ASSESS- you know your Signature Program – Healing Accelerated will help them
OFFER – this is where you tell them you have have Healing Accelerated which is a program that eliminates toxins from your body with supplements, and then I will be working with you to remove blocks, identify eating habit triggers, put together a 21 day program for you so that you don’t even have to think and struggle with what to eat, and then a check in with me daily to tell me what’s happening, what your feeling, etc so we can address every issue that will get in the way of you achieving your goal.
Does that sound good?
>>> So you see how I gave them what they want to hear, in the terms they understand, focused on the OUTCOME they want. Not cost yet, not the how, then I got agreement.
Their reply >> Yes that sounds great – that’s exactly what I want. (now we have them interested and ready to buy – the only objection that will come up now is cost. This is where you hold strong and learn to handle objections very well. This is an art that is learned with practice which is why you need to do many discovery calls until you have a script of ready objections to deal with everything that prevents them from getting the help they want.)
Then the next step is the money talk. So you lead with the EXPERIENCE – what it will be like working with you – then give the cost.
>> That’s fantastic. So here’s how it works. You will fill out a questionnaire where you and I will learn all about your heating habits, anything you see as a trigger, what you eat in general, your favorite foods, etc. and then I will assess this against what you want to lose weight wise, and what changes to make to make this as easy as possible while still giving what you want.
– then we will go over the daily plan so you start to become more cause over your choices and the power that the triggers have over you. Once a trigger is identified we will then lead to what set that trigger in place (yada yada)
– at the end of the 21 days, your goal is achieved, you feel great, look great, have more energy – ETC..
BENEFITS of what they want.
— you have now gotten them wanting this and the experience. In their head they have a figure – you will surpass that figure – and then give bonus gifts that make it easy to decide.
This is now the art of the offer. You never just say you get a, b, c, d, e, f.
You get a, b, c, d and if you buy today e – and if you pay in full versus the payment plan I’m going to throw in F as an All in bonus.
You craft the offer so that they WANT those bonuses – they are irresistible and now they will figure out the how.
An example is my offer.
Here is exactly what the program includes;
a, b, c, d…
The bonuses if you act now are;
– 2 tickets to Business Online Mastery – which is 3 days of training with me twice a year. That is a total of 6 days of live training from me.
– My Social Media Trainings – top 6 including Facebook, Linkedin, Youtube, Google+, Twitter, which is over 51 videos and a full understanding of what you need
– My entire internet marketing training series – lifetime access so that when you need specific traffic strategies or want to add a membership site or sales page, all the information on how to do that is there
As a pay in full bonus you also get a full year mastermind with monthly meetings with me increasing the value of your program by $12,000.
The price is $17,500 if you pay in full.
(then you stay quiet. I mean it – don’t say another word until they do. Have a sip of tea, a drink of water, but their mind is processing this and if you interrupt it – they will overload and say no.)
Then this is often where objections come up that you will learn to know them, and handle them.
ie. Wow, I didn’t think it was going to be that much.
– now you handle that.
I totally understand and I wish I could do it for less, but here’s why it is what it is – …..
and if you really look at what else is out there – you spend less at one time, but then you have to repeat, repeat, repeat and it never gets fully handled so you end up wasting TONS of time, and over the long run, more money.
— then be quiet again – they want to justify it, they want your program, they are trying to convince themselves how to make it happen
— and you repeat this cycle for objection after objection.
— now 2 things happen – at some point they may
- Â Agree – and if they do ask for credit card number now. Get the money in the door because it’s not sold until it’s in. Do not hesitate to say would you prefer credit card, check or bank transfer.
- At some point they are out of objections, but still may not be buying. There is a block there you can’t overcome in that moment.
In the case of option #2, you will have a tiered system of selling – like my diagram here. If they can’t do IOI Platinum – I offer them Gold, less money, and they can upgrade with a slight fee later if they want. I baby step them in – so let’s say your program is 6 months, over them a 3 month and upgrade them. Once they see how great you are they will upgrade, we just need to get them in the door.
And I continue this drop down funnel market approach until they get something. You want them to start to create a meaningful relationship with you and that takes an investment in you and themselves.
So as part of this program, you need to come up with the above and I will help you perfect it to make it irresistible. When they buy tier 1 of my program, they get everything below it. That’s how you structure it.
Now it took me years to get this understood, in place, remove confusions, make it streamlined, rehearse the offer, fail 200 times, and get it down to an art form.
I’ve handed you a golden ticket to make money. It’s not easy, but you can get it to where for every 5 people you get on the phone, 2 will take your upper and 1 will take something else. It will become very worth your time to get this in place.
Once you do, then you can work on more automated streams of income, because this skill is vital to be able to make money on demand, and automated streams are a long term strategy and can take a long time to implement and get traffic and people into it.
Print to PDF
Before checking with me if it’s going okay, you need to have most of the structure done.
If you are unsure about the steps, definitely get this clarified with me before you begin.
But after that, in order to see how it’s coming along or give you any feedback, I need to see what it looks like.
So print from your word processor to PDF and upload the PDF to the forum – I will respond there – it helps me to keep it as teaching points for everyone when we do it this way.
Forum Feedback
During your development cycle, feel free to print to PDF and get feedback from the group. Remember there are a lot of Platinum, Gold and Silver members back there who can help you.
When I see it I also will give you exact advice, as a training tool for everyone to improve.
Feel free to ask for help in the forum – many graduates are in there and they know exactly what the guide is to look like. Ask someone to look at it and read it and give you their feedback.
Once everyone on the forum and I seem to be happy with it…
Then send to me for final review/approval and I’ll upload to where your landing page is hosted
Guide and Landing Page Samples
Visit these samples.
Making a Difference
Autoresponder Messages
Here is the great part now that the effort is done with your guide – and that is it is the framework for your Signature talk and it is easily 10 messages for your autoresponder system.
For the subject line – come up with a small acronym so that all your emails from this campaign are easily found and identified. Make it about 3 characters – otherwise it eats up too much of the subject line and they don’t read it.
How to Break Apart Your Guide to Create Emails
Password to watch: vipplatinum
For example – my subject line prefix is [IOI] – for Instant Online Impact
Here is what you do:Â
First email – [IOI] Welcome to Tracy Repchuk’s Instant Online Impact Community
– download the guide
– PS – Book a discovery call
Email #2 – send next day (an email will go out every day for the next 10 days – you have a prospect that is interested so don’t let them go cold.)
A bit of your story – and tie it back to what that means to them.
ie. When I was a a kid…. then later I … Now I ….
And what this means to you is that I have a formula to
(solve their problem)
Would you like to schedule a free call with me?
Your close
Your name
Your Unique selling proposition (I would have given you this)
PS – Free call – limited time offer – I don’t know how much longer I’m going to offer them… act now – >>
Email #3 –Â First Tip from book
Email #4 –Â Second Tip from book
Email #5 –Â Third tip from book
Email #6 –Â Fourth Tip from book
Email #7 – Get them to do a survey or discovery call offer again – tell them the offer will be ending in a few days
Email #8 – Fifth Tip from book
Email #9 – Offer – sell them something small priced
Email #10 – Do You Need My Help?
ask them to tell you what they were looking for – simply hit reply and you’ll get back to them.
I review your first 3 emails in detail.
I write email #1 – the welcome email.
You then write email #2, 3 and 4.
Send me one at a time for review – by the end you will know what the format of an email is, and why it’s structured that way.
For additional teachings, you have access to
Internet Success Mastery – Module 3 is Autoresponders and copywriting.
Sample Email: (mine are longer than yours need to be – shorter is better)[IOI]Â This Is The Fastest Free List Building Option I Have Found!
Hey [FIRSTNAME],Have you been thinking that Twitter is for teenagers and a waste of time?
Twitter’s fastest growing demographic is actually 55-64 year olds!
Twitter is not to be ignored – it is a key element of target marketing and is a powerful market resource that is growing in popularity at an extraordinary rate.
You can use Twitter to drive people to your landing page, making it the FASTEST LIST BUILDINGÂ OPTION I have found.
Tease them with a message within the 140 character limit and get them to take the next action!
It is a platform where people are trained to click, making it the perfect place to feed them to your database.
You can also integrate Twitter to send your blog posts and Facebook posts.
Your Goal? – Be a person of influence, whose posts people take the time to read.
Your posts should be at least 60% information – promotion all the time risks account suspension or worse disconnection of your followers.
Twitter connects you with your mentors, competition, industry leaders, and target market.
At the very least, secure your name NOW, because it may be gobbled up by the time you feel “ready” and that will affect your brand.
Even better how would you like to have your profiles and accounts CREATED FOR YOU, on most major business critical social media site, from YouTube to Squidoo.
Yes, we even figure out how say what’s optimal in 140 characters!
Why continue to operate in confusion and frustration?
Why waste more time tweeting, posting or even worse ignoring social media because you don’t think it works for you?
WE KNOW SOCIAL MEDIA, because we do it for ourselves every day and we optimize for your keywords too, which nobody else does.
Plus most companies that do social media for you – don’t do it for themselves as a part of their business and brand, not really having the proof that it works.
We do both.
I teach social media, use it, have OVER 100,000 FOLLOWERS in the various platforms, and follow the SAMEÂ PROCEDURES WE APPLY TO YOU.
Check out which month to month DONE FOR YOU SOCIAL MEDIA plan best meets your needs:
To your ongoing success
Tracy Repchuk
“Get Ready to Make an Instant Online Impact with a Fully Branded Complete
End to End Website Presence and Message to Market System in Under 60 Days”
Got questions – call our office at: Call 818.859.7210
PS – Have we connnected yet on Twitter? Follow me at
PPS – Let us help you reach your target –Â
The Science of
Social Media
The complete system for ALL your social media needs from Facebook, Facebook Live, Linkedin, YouTube, Twitter, Periscope, Instagram, Google+, Snapchat and more. Plus you’ll get step by step how to create over 300 pieces of content from one 30 minute video.
Message to Millions Mastermind
The most comprehensive mastermind system on the planet, for the price. You get full training on the 12 most important elements to reaching millions with your message, along with monthly meetings with me where I’ll answer your questions, review your work, and keep you moving forward in the right direction.
Save $3000 – Use Promo Code: 12DAY
Your Million Dollar Design
Get ready to create an online program guaranteed to sell. Even better you will learn how to get paid to create it, build a community of raving fans, and turn it into a 6 figure stream of income.
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