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Get Started with Aweber and Email Marketing

Whether you select Aweber, Infusionsoft or another email automation tool, the key is you select one and then learn it.

Once you have learned it, understand the different email types that you want to start to integrate into a cohesive marketing campaign for your subscribers.

The reason we recommend Aweber is it is inexpensive and easy to use.

If you are selecting that one – sign up here for that service – AWEBER SIGNUP

If you are looking at Infusionsoft, this is the platform we use, get in touch with us so we can arrange a demonstration. It is the most sophisticated platform on the market and we want to make sure you need this power, and then get the best price. As Infusionsoft Certified Partners, we have access to great deals.

The autoresponder is the system that integrates into your landing page, providing the communication platform you must have.

Below are instructions and guidance on how to get the most from your system, and jumpstart you on what you need to get started.

Introduction to Email Marketing

How to Write Welcome Email

Email Marketing

Creating Your Initial 10 Starter Emails from Your Guide

Here is the great part now that the effort is done with your guide – and that is it is the framework for your Signature talk and it is easily 10 messages for your autoresponder system.

For the subject line – come up with a small acronym so that all your emails from this campaign are easily found and identified. Make it about 3 characters – otherwise it eats up too much of the subject line and they don’t read it.

How to Break Apart Your Guide to Create Emails

Password to watch: vipplatinum

For example – my subject line prefix is [IOI] – for Instant Online Impact

Here is what you do: 

First email – [IOI] Welcome to Tracy Repchuk’s Instant Online Impact Community

– download the guide
– PS – Book a discovery call

Email #2 – send next day (an email will go out every day for the next 10 days – you have a prospect that is interested so don’t let them go cold.)

A bit of your story – and tie it back to what that means to them.

ie. When I was a a kid…. then later I … Now I ….

And what this means to you is that I have a formula to
(solve their problem)

Would you like to schedule a free call with me?


Your close
Your name
Your Unique selling proposition (I would have given you this)

PS – Free call – limited time offer – I don’t know how much longer I’m going to offer them… act now – >>

Email #3 –  First Tip from book
Email #4 –  Second Tip from book
Email #5 –  Third tip from book
Email #6 –  Fourth Tip from book
Email #7 – Get them to do a survey or discovery call offer again – tell them the offer will be ending in a few days
Email #8 – Fifth Tip from book
Email #9 – Offer – sell them something small priced
Email #10 – Do You Need My Help?
ask them to tell you what they were looking for – simply hit reply and you’ll get back to them.

I review your first 3 emails in detail.

I write email #1 – the welcome email.

You then write email #2, 3 and 4.

Send me one at a time for review – by the end you will know what the format of an email is, and why it’s structured that way.

For additional teachings, you have access to
Internet Success Mastery – Module 3 is Autoresponders and copywriting.

Sample Email: (mine are longer than yours need to be – shorter is better)
[IOI] This Is The Fastest Free List Building Option I Have Found!

How to Write Your Subject Line

How to Write Email Content

How to Create a Follow Up Series

How to Customize a Newsletter Template

How to Create a Broadcast Email

How to Set the Automation Rule

How to Email Unopens

How to Write Last Chance Email

How to Write Reminder Email

How to Write Promo Email

How to Write Scarcity Emails

Email Marketing Strategies

Marketing Optimization

Email List Maintenance

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